
Bay Ridge’s Third Avenue merchants raise thousands for breast cancer research

The team at Charmed gears up for a weekend of giving back for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Jeanine Condon

Merchants and shoppers along Third Avenue in Bay Ridge raised nearly $6,000 for breast cancer research during a pink-themed weekend blitz of fundraising organized by a local store owner — and the money is still rolling in!

“It went very well, I think we raised $5,800 as of right now,” said Jeanine Condon, co-owner of Bay Ridge jewelry shop, Charmed by JLM. “We are trying to hit $8,000. We still have eight more people to collect from so hopefully we will get there.” 

Nearly 20 small businesses participated in “The 3rd on 3rd” event on Oct. 3 — where shoppers were encouraged to wear pink, and stores donated a percentage of the day’s earnings to the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer foundation. 

The event came about when do-gooder Chrisie Canny — the founder of Vented in Brooklyn, a jewelry shop that donates a bracelet to a cancer-related charity for each one sold — asked Condon to use her storefront for a popup shop, and Condon decided to run with the idea.  

“I thought, let me see if I can get the other merchants involved and see if we raise more money,” said Condon, who herself is a Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor. “And that’s how it came about.” 

The pair hit the pavement enrolling store owners to participate in the charitable shopping bonanza, as well as advertising on social media and handing out flyers to spread the word to shoppers. 

She hoped the event would both raise money for cancer research while bringing foot traffic to Third Avenue’s small businesses — many of whom are suffering in the wake of the coronavirus shutdowns earlier this year. 

“We figured the merchants could raise money for themselves while also raising money for a great cause,” she said. 

After the success of the first-ever “The 3rd on 3rd,” Condon said she looks forward to keeping it going as a yearly tradition in the neighborhood as a way to spread cancer awareness.

“I think we will do it again,” Condon said. “I think we will make it an annual event.”