
$4.5 million park opens in Gravesend

$4.5 million park opens in Gravesend
Photo by Caroline Ourso

City greenspace gurus welcomed locals to a spiffy new Gravesend park on Thursday, capping off a three-year, $4.5 million effort to transform an asphalt slab into sprawling public parkland, said the area’s local councilman.

“Before, it was a broken pile of concrete,” said Mark Treyger. “For many years, students complained that it wasn’t a playground.”

Lafayette Playground on Stillwell Avenue and Bay 43rd Street now features over an acre of synthetic grass, adult fitness equipment, and a state-of-the-art basketball court — as well as a revamped playground for kids that opened last July.

Treyger — who pushed the Mayor’s Community Park’s Initiative to fund the multi-million dollar project — said the new park’s design was the result of a communal effort after several meetings with Gravesend locals.

“This park was the result of a stunning cooperation,” Treyger said. “It’s one of the most beautiful parks I have seen.”

The park’s opening is one of several parks renovations in the area, including projects in Bath Beach, Bensonhurst, and several other in Coney Island and Gravesend.

Reach reporter Rose Adams at radams@schnepsmedia.com or by calling (718) 260–8306. Follow her on Twitter @rose_n_adams
Lafayette Park on Stillwell now features over an acre of synthetic grass, adult fitness equipment, and a state-of-the-art basketball court.
Photo by Caroline Ourso