
57th Assembly District voter guide: Walter Mosely vs. Olanike Alabi vs. Martine Guerrier

They have the same job — and they want the same job
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Three Democrats are vying for the Assembly seat that incumbent Hakeem Jeffries will vacate as he pursues his Congressional ambitions, leaving the representation of Fort Greene, Prospect Heights, Clinton Hill, Downtown, and parts of Crown Heights up for grabs.

Walter Mosley

• Democratic district leader in Fort Greene.

• Born and raised in Clinton Hill.

• Earned a law degree from Howard University.

• Worked for Gov. David Paterson and the Democratic National Party.

• Picked up endorsements from Jeffries, Borough President Markowitz, and Councilwoman Leticia James.

On his platform: “There is a great demand for the affordable housing and we are trying to get people who are not considered rich and not considered poor in a position where they don’t have to worry each and every day.”

Olanike Alabi

• Democratic district leader in Fort Greene.

• Born and raised in Brooklyn.

Olanike Alabi has won the backing of labor organizations.

• Attended Cornell University’s Industrial and Labor Relations program.

• Longtime employee labor union employee.

• Has the backing of unions including the Correction Officer’s Benevolent Association and the AFL-CIO, among others.

On why endorsements don’t matter: “Voters don’t ask me about endorsements. They ask me why I’m running, what have I done and what will I do if elected? Many endorsements are based on political deals and future ambitions.”

Martine Guerrier

• Born and raised in Queens to Haitian immigrant parents.

• Graduated from Wells College in Aurora, New York.

• Worked as chief family engagement officer for the Department of Education, where she founded the Office for Family Engagement and Advocacy.

• Took a unique approach to fund-raising — refusing to focus on individual donations.

On the problem with fund-raising: “My base can’t afford to give $100 right off the bat. I started to feel like I was a bill collector. I can see why some candidates go after organizations and the special interests.”

Martine Guerrier hopes she can land the Assembly seat without focusing extensively on fund-raising.
Photo by Elizabeth Graham