
Pirate steals vehicle from private parking garage

60th precinct
Photo by Jessica Parks


Coney Island—Brighton Beach—Seagate

April Fools! 

A prowler drove off with a stolen vehicle from a Hart Place private parking garage on April 1. 

An employee told police that the carjacker broke into the property at the corner of W. 15th Street at around 9 am by cutting through a fence, before hopping in the car and driving off. 

Crazy taxi

A highway robber swiped a meter and tablet from a taxi parked on Brighton Fourth Street on April 7. 

The victim told police that he returned to his vehicle between Ocean View and Neptune avenues around 3:30 am to see the front passenger window smashed and $2,000 worth of property stolen.

Basement blues

A home invader snagged various electronics from a Neptune Avenue home while the owner was sleeping inside on April 14. 

The victim told police that the thief broke into the basement of his house near the intersection of E. 12th Street around 1 am and fled with the stolen goods.