
62nd Precinct: Ice-cold criminal

62 Precinct


Bensonhurst—Bath Beach

Ice-cold criminal

A criminal allegedly robbed an 18th Avenue deli at gunpoint on Nov. 28.

Cops said the alleged perp got into a verbal dispute with an employee of the deli near 85th Street at about 3am. The baddie pulled a gun and told the employee “Next time, I shoot,” them grabbed a selection of items — a banana, a cup of ice, soup, and a pack of Slim Jims — and left. Police searched the area, found the thief in possession of the stolen items, and arrested him.

Carjacking on 63rd Street

Some creep stole a parked Chevrolet from 63rd Street on Nov. 24.

According to police, the victim parked his car near the corner of 19th Avenue at 6pm on Nov 24. At 8am the next day, the car had vanished without a trace – with the victim’s credit card inside. The unknown thief later used the credit card to make a nearly $500 purchase.

Crosswalk robbery

A pair of jerks robbed a driver as he waited to cross the street on New Utrecht Avenue on Nov. 29.

The victim told police he was waiting for the light at the corner of 79th Street just after 7pm when two creeps cornered him and demanded he hand over “your money and everything.” One of the perps pressed a gun against his side, then smashed him over the head with the firearm. In the shuffle, the pair of pillagers got a hold of the victim’s wallet with his credit and debit cards and $100 in cash.

After the attack, the thieves escaped in a silver BMW. The victim was left with a laceration on the head.

Vehicle break-in

A sneak broke into a parked car on 67th Street and hit the jackpot on Nov. 29.

The victim parked his car near 19th Avenue overnight and forgot to lock it, according to police. In the middle of the night, some creep opened the door, grabbed the victim’s wallet with credit cards and cash, and fled — and the whole thing was caught on camera. 

Cash grab

Some marauder forced a woman to fork over a sizable sum of cash on Bay 40th Street on Dec. 2.

Police said the brute approached the victim as she stood near Benson Avenue just before 3pm and forced her to walk to a nearby bank and withdraw $8,000, then walked her back to Bay 40th Street. There, the thief forcibly ripped the victim’s bag from her arm — then gave her her own bag. 

The strange suspect made off with the victim’s bag and the cash.