
Bandit steals teen girl’s AirPods


Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Gym rat

A bandit stole a girl’s AirPods and cash from a Baltic Street school gym on Feb. 10.

The 17-year-old victim told police that the looter swiped $68 and AirPods from her gym locker at the school between Smith and Court streets sometime between 11 am and 1 pm. 

Seems fishy

A thief swiped $300 worth of salmon from a Court Street grocery store sometime on Feb. 9.

An employee told police that the pirate pocketed 12 packets of salmon inside the store on the corner of Atlantic Avenue at 8:40 pm before fleeing. 


A burglar nabbed an iPhone 6s from a Beard Street Ikea on Feb. 7.

The victim told police that she accidentally left her phone in the store’s bathroom by Otsego Street at 3 pm, but the thief swiped it before the victim noticed.

Friend or foe

A jerk stole $100 from his friend’s Hoyt Street house on Feb. 1.

The victim told police that her swindling acceptance took the cash from her pants pocket inside the home between Baltic and Douglas streets sometime between 8 pm and 6:15 am.