
Bandit snags goods from parked car on Presidents Street


Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill– Red Hook

Car crook

A bandit stole $140 and personal belongings out of a car parked on Presidents Street sometime between May 26 and May 30.

The victim told police that the bandit entered the unlocked 2013 Volkswagen sedan parked between Henry and Clinton streets and nabbed her bag, change purse, a computer case, and the cash.


A thief stole $500 worth of items from a car parked on Columbia Street sometime between May 31 and June 1. 

The victim told police that the burglar stole food, home supplies, canned goods, and cosmetics and $40 in cash from the 2011 Toyota on the corner of Creamer Street.

Package pilferer

A crook nabbed a box containing hair supplies and audio equipment from a Clinton Street home on May 29.

The victim told police that the bandit snagged the package containing a $70 audio pre-amplified and two hair products from the lobby of the multi-family residence between Degraw and Kane streets sometime between 12:09 pm and 1 pm. 

Backpack burglary  

A thief stole a backpack carrying nearly $700 worth of items from a Dwight Street apartment building on May 28.

The victim told police that he left his backpack in the lobby of his building on the corner of King Street while he was retrieving the mail, and forgot to bring it when he entered the elevator. But when he returned to the lobby 10 minutes later, the backpack — containing his wallet, IDs, shoes, reading glasses, and sunglasses — was gone.