
Boxcutter-wielding brute slashes straphanger


Brooklyn Heights–DUMBO–Boerum Hill–Downtown

Subway slasher

A blade-wielding rogue slashed a man’s face aboard a subway at High Street station on Nov. 21.

The victim told police that the malefactor slit his face with a boxcutter on the Manhattan-bound train near Cadman Plaza E. at around 11:50 am, before running out of the station.

Atlantic Ambush

A group of good-for-nothings ambushed a guy on Atlantic Avenue in the early hours of Nov. 17.

The victim told police that one of the goons jumped him from behind, choked him, and demanded his phone between Clinton and Court streets at around 1:35 am, before the victim got loose and tripped on a curb, causing him to smash his face on the pavement. 

Fists a-flyin’

Police arrested a man for allegedly attempting to rob a man’s backpack and punching a cop at MetroTech Center on Nov. 18. 

The victim told police that the suspect allegedly slugged him several times and tried to take his bag between Bridge and Lawrence streets at 8:45 pm, but when police arrived, the suspect allegedly punched an officer in the jaw.

Cops cuffed the man on felony robbery and assault charges, according to police reports.

Bodega beat down

Some scumbag sucker-punched a woman and mugged her at a Schermerhorn Street bodega on Nov. 29.

The victim told police that the brute socked her to the ground near Bond Street at 10:10 pm, before grabbing $15 and running off.

Elder abuse

A posse of pillagers pounded a senior citizen at a Montague Street candy store on Nov. 18.

The 66-year-old victim told police that the band of brigands punched him in the face several times between Henry and Clinton streets just after 2:10 pm.