
Worm breaks into art gallery

84th precinct stationhouse
The 84th Precinct stationhouse in Downtown Brooklyn.
Photo by Kirstyn Brendlen


Brooklyn Heights–DUMBO–Boerum Hill–Downtown

Worm breaks into art gallery

Some worm broke into a Bond Street art gallery on July 3.

Police said the baddie shattered the glass door at Galerie Kitsuné near Pacific Street at around 3am, stepped inside, and stole the cash register — which was fortunately empty — from the counter.

Salon assault

A coiffed crook alleged attacked a Livingston Street beauty salon employee on July 3.

The victim told police the jerk entered the salon near Nevins Street at about 5pm and asked for services. Staff refused — prompting the lawbreaker to pick up a chair and swing it at one employee’s face, leaving her with minor injuries that were treated by emergency responders on the scene.

Cops arrived, and the alleged assailant fought arrest, refusing to be handcuffed and slicing multiple officers’ hands with something sharp. The jerk was eventually arrested on the scene, and the two cops were taken to Cobble Hill Hospital for tetanus shots.

Shots fired on York Street

An innocent passerby was shot on York Street on July 2.

Police responded to reports of a man shot near Gold Street just before 11pm and found the victim, who said he had been chased by an unknown attacker. He ran inside and up to the second story of an apartment building at Farragut Houses and was shot once in the buttocks. Cops searched the area but did not find any bullet casings or ballistics.

The victim was taken to NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn for treatment.

Sniffly scoundrel steals allergy meds

A sniffly scoundrel allegedly stole allergy medication and threatened an employee at an Atlantic Avenue drugstore on July 1.

The victims told police the thief entered the Harmon Face Values near Boerum Place at 8:10pm and tossed some Claritin and Zyrtec into his bag. When two employees approached him to try to tell him to put the pills back, the jerk threatened them with a knife, then ran out of the store. One employee tried to run after the thief to try to get the pills back, but tripped and fell on the way out the door.

The victims called the police, who searched the area and found the alleged burglar on Baltic Street, where they arrested him.

Punk steals cell phone on subway platform

Some punk allegedly punched someone and grabbed their cellphone at the Jay Street-Metrotech station on June 29.

Police said the victim was on the platform when the assailant punched them in the face, causing them to drop their phone — then grabbed the phone. The victim asked for their phone back and the jerk pulled a knife in response, attracting attention from the other people waiting on the platform and causing some panic. 

Cops arrested the suspect on the scene and found both the victim’s phone and the boxcutter in his pockets.