
88th Precinct: Man mugged at knifepoint

88th precinct station house
88th precinct station house.
Photo by Stefano Giovannini


Fort Greene–Clinton Hill

Man mugged at knifepoint

A man was mugged at knifepoint on Clermont Avenue on Dec. 11.

Police said the thief grabbed the victim from behind near Lafayette Avenue at about 6:20pm and said “Give me all your stuff or I will stab you,” then grabbed the victim’s cell phone and wallet with his debit and credit cards and ID. The perp took off toward Lafayette Avenue with his loot. 

Shots fired on Oxford Street

A mystery gunman fired several rounds on Oxford Street on Dec. 7. 

Cops said ShotSpotter was activated near Park Avenue at 2:22pm. When officers arrived on the scene, they found shell casings strewn on the sidewalk, but no victims or suspects. They later obtained security footage that showed an unknown man shooting at a group of people, who all left the scene, seemingly unharmed. No gunshot victims were reported at local hospitals. 

Road rage

Some angry driver threw a bottle at another motorist on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway on Dec. 9.

The victim told police she was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the vehicle when, just before 2pm as the car passed Tillary Street, the jerk tossed a bottle at her face through the open window — causing minor injuries to her lips and teeth. 

Purse-snatcher slips away on subway

A sneaky purse-snatcher nabbed a straphanger’s purse at the Nevins Street subway station on Dec. 5.

Police said the victim exited the 5 train to transfer to another line at 9am and suddenly realized her purse, with her wallet and AirPods, was gone — despite the fact she had not been shoved or jostled by the thief. The punk later tried to charge more than $400 to her credit cards, but the purchases were denied. 

Bandit breaks into lot, steals catalytic converter

A determined bandit stole a catalytic converter from a truck parked in a lot on Park Avenue sometime between Dec. 6 and 8.

The victim told police he parked his work truck in the locked parking lot of a business near Hall Street at 5:30pm on Dec. 6. Early on Dec. 8, he returned to the lot and discovered someone had busted open the gate and sawed the catalytic converter — worth about $3,500 — off the vehicle.