
88th Precinct: Late-night stalking

88th precinct station house
88th precinct station house.
Photo by Stefano Giovannini


Fort Greene–Clinton Hill

Late-night stalking

Some creep attempted to sexually assault a woman he followed home in the early hours of Sept. 11 in Clinton Hill.

The 33-year-old woman told cops that while walking to her home at St James Place, an unknown perp grabbed her from behind, pressing a knife to her cheek and stating that he “needed a blowjob.”

The perv then followed the victim to her front door, and attempted to enter the home. The victim managed to shut the door on the man following a struggle between the two. The suspect fled the scene and has yet to be identified.

Flirting with disaster

A jealous jerk slashed a Bronx man in Fort Greene for trying to flirt with his girlfriend outside a fast food joint on Aug. 30.

The 49-year-old victim reported that after leaving a McDonalds at around 3 a.m. he was attempting to flirt with a woman who was waiting outside the restaurant when an unknown male stepped in to break it up.

The green-eyed goon took out a knife and slashed the victim across his right foreman, causing him to flee to the nearest subway station. He was treated for his injuries at St Barnabas hospital the next day.