
‘A government run by kindergarteners’: Pol claims city failure to build Belt P’kway guardrails leaves locals open to attack

‘A government run by kindergarteners’: Pol claims city failure to build Belt P’kway guardrails leaves locals open to attack
Max Rose

Talk about railing against terrorism!

An unprotected stretch of Bath Beach sidewalk bordering the Belt Parkway is an open invitation for reckless drivers and terrorists to commit mayhem, according to a Kings County congressman, who said the city must install heavy-duty guardrails to safeguard pedestrians against attacks.

“We have seen over, and over, and over again how either drunk drivers, or — god forbid — terrorists, can kill people by driving onto pathways just like this,” said freshman Congressman Max Rose [D–Bay Ridge].

Rose joined Bath Beach Councilman Justin Brennan at a May 31 press conference off the Belt Parkway to demand the city install protective devices along the highway between Bay Eighth Street and 21st Avenue, where pedestrians are separated from traffic by just a few feet of grass.

The coastal stretch of sidewalk is a densely populated destination for Southern Brooklyn joggers and cyclists, according to Rose, who accused the city of gross negligence for leaving Brooklyn bystanders unprotected.

“Do we have a government run by kindergarteners here? This is absurd. We are not building the Eiffel Tower — we’re building guardrails,” said Rose. “This is absolutely absurd, it is a dereliction of duty, and this is why everybody hates politics.”

And Rose singled out Department of Transportation officials — who have sat on a request Brennan made for guardrails 15 months ago — for waiting until someone dies to secure the pathway.

“Do we have to see blood shed before something actually happens in this government?” Rose asked.

The Transportation Department is currently working with the Department of Design and Construction on a plan to install the guardrails, according to an agency rep, who said Brennan and Rose will be the first to know when the project moves forward.

Reach reporter Aidan Graham at agraham@schnepsmedia.com or by calling (718) 260–4577. Follow him at twitter.com/aidangraham95.