
A plea for change: Children rally at Schumer’s house to convince senator to sign Green New Deal

A plea for change: Children rally at Schumer’s house to convince senator to sign Green New Deal
Photo by Caroline Ourso

They’re not gonna take it!

More than 50 demonstrators gathered outside the home of Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) near Prospect Park on June 9 at a youth-oriented protest to demand that the lawmaker sign the ambitious Green New Deal, according to one parent who attended the event with his two children.

Kum ba yah: Protesters sing at a climate-action demonstration in Park Slope.
Photo by Caroline Ourso

“This was a very explicit request to sign onto the Green New Deal, which he has not done,” said Stephan von Muehlen.

Von Muehlen brought his sons Conrad and Sheppard, who wrote letters to New York’s senior senator pleading for action on climate change.

Youthful energy: Demonstrators demanded action to mitigate the impacts of climate change outside the home of the Democratic Senate leader.
Photo by Caroline Ourso

“I worked on a letter with Conrad. It basically said that climate change is scary,” said von Muehlen. “They’re the ones that are going to have to live with the consequences if we don’t act.”

Another protester said the youth-centric protest was necessary to capture the legislator’s attention, and put the climate-problem in perspective.

Outside the lines: Student-protesters write chalk notes on the sidewalk to Senator Charles Schumer asking him to support the Green New Deal.
Photo by Caroline Ourso

“He’s made a lot of references lately to his grandkids, and how they are going to inherit the environment we’ve made,” said Robert Wood. “So it was important to have kids deliver this message to him.”

The young climate warriors hope their message will finally reach the Democratic Senate leader, who has yet to sign on as a co-sponsor of the ambitious Green New Deal resolution.

Bankrolling the revolution: Young protestors gathered on Prospect Park West to demand New York’s senior Senator to act on curbing climate emissions.
Photo by Caroline Ourso

“The time for coming together and compromising is kind of over. And the younger folks recognize it,” said von Muehlen.

While Schumer is not among the 13 Senators who have signed on as sponsors of the resolution — which was introduced in February by Queens Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey — a spokeswoman for the senator said he supports the concept, and applauded the children’s effort.

FAQ: The child-run demonstration included information on climate change policy.
Photo by Caroline Ourso

“Sen. Schumer supports the goals and aspirations of the Green New Deal, believes young people and students – like those at this event – deserve enormous credit in elevating the climate crisis in the national dialogue, and looks forward to working with them,” said Paige Tepke. “If he becomes Majority Leader, he would make passing an ambitious climate bill a top priority.”

Reach reporter Aidan Graham at agraham@schnepsmedia.com or by calling (718) 260–4577. Follow him at twitter.com/aidangraham95.
Snail-mail: A father-and-son duo drop a letter to Senator Schumer in a box outside his Park Slope home.
Photo by Caroline Ourso