
A smashing success: Pro wrestlers bring smiles to smallest patients at Brooklyn Hospital

A smashing success: Pro wrestlers bring smiles to smallest patients at Brooklyn Hospital
Photo by Maya Harrison

They were a big hit!

The baddest warriors in the universe took a brief hiatus from their careers in televised gladiatorial combat to put a big smile on the faces of Brooklyn Hospital’s smallest patients Wednesday, proving the stars of World Wrestling Entertainment have big hearts to match their bulging biceps.

“I like connecting with the kids,” said pro-wrestler Wesley Blake, whose signature moves include the Running Powerslam and the Springboard Forearm Smash. “They go through so much, it’s the least we can do.”

The wrestlers, who include fearless fighters Sasha Banks, Bayley, Steve Cutler, and Jaxson Ryker, in addition to Blake, traveled from exotic Florida to award the Fort Greene medical center’s diminutive champions with the wrestling organization’s highest honor — the WWE title belt.

The suplex superstars, who personally signed each golden girdle before handing them out to the triumphant tykes, spent a few minutes hobnobbing and playing with the kids, at one point donning surgical scrubs to prevent spreading the flu to some of the hospital’s more compromised patients.

“Putting smiles on these kids faces and giving them signed titles is what makes me love my career in wrestling even more,” said Banks, known for her crippling finishing move, the Bank Statement.

The combatants are in town for the smorgasbord of battle that is WrestleMania, a Jersey battle royal set for Sunday, proceeded by wrestling events throughout New York City beginning Wednesday night.

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505.
Masked wrestlers: The wrestlers donned scrubs to pal around with kids at Brooklyn Hospital.
Photo by Maya Harrison