
Activists camping in front of CitiStorage to demand sale for Bushwick Inlet Park

Their rage in lights! Activists illuminate building to protest city’s broken park promise
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

This protest will be in-tents!

Park activists and Borough President Adams are staging a “sleep-in” outside a Williamsburg waterfront warehouse on Saturday, camping out to demand the owner accept Mayor DeBlasio’s recent $100-million offer to buy the property so the city can turn it into parkland.

Hizzoner made the offer on developer Norm Brodsky’s CitiStorage warehouses in mid-June — more than 10 years after it promised to buy the land and use it as part of Bushwick Inlet Park — but the property mogul turned him down, claiming it is worth far more.

The city is giving Brodsky 60 days to accept the offer, and Saturday marks the halfway point.

The politically charged camp-out will include a dance performance from local teen group El Puente Dreams in Motion, live music from singer Craig Chesler, food, and the chance to spend an entire evening with the Beep.

Campers will need to bring a sleeping bag, garbage bag, and a tent.

Camp-out sleep-in at Bushwick Inlet Park (N. 12th Street and Kent Avenue in Williamsburg), July 9 at 7 pm. Free. Register here.

Reach deputy editor Ruth Brown at rbrown@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–8309. Follow her at twitter.com/rbbrown.