
All-hands kitchen fire under control at Eastern Parkway apartment building

firefighters at all-hands kitchen fire in crown heights
Firefighters quickly knocked down the fire, which started in a kitchen on the 4th floor just after 11:30 a.m.
Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Firefighters quickly knocked down an all-hands kitchen fire at a Crown Heights apartment building on Thursday morning.

firefighter in eastern parkway apartment kitchen fire
60 firefighters responded to the scene, where they quickly got the blaze under control. Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

The department received a call about fire and smoke on the top floor at 1090 Eastern Parkway just after 11:30 a.m., and 60 firefighters responded to the scene, according to the FDNY. Upon arrival, they spotted flames flickering through a door at the rear of the building, where the blaze had broken out. Members used three hose-lines to knock down the body of fire, and searches throughout the apartment and building were negative — no one was home when the fire began.

firefighters on scene of eastern parkway fire
The apartment was empty at the time of the fire, and no injuries were reported. Photo by Lloyd Mitchell
firefighter in apartment building
Firefighters searched the building as they worked to extinguish the fire. Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

The fire was officially placed under control at 12:34 p.m. with no injuries. The cause of the fire was not immediately clear.

firefighter at eastern parkway kitchen fire
Members used three hose lines to knock out the fire. Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

According to city records, 1090 Eastern Parkway has wracked up a number of unresolved violations with the Department of Buildings and Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Tenants have complained of broken faucets, mice and roaches, mold, faulty carbon monoxide detectors, and blocked fire exits, according to HPD. In 2021, the building was repeatedly cited for construction without a permit.

Additional reporting by Kirstyn Brendlen.