
An affordable education: Housing pros hosting event about applying for new affordable Coney units

Coney building bringing more than 100 below-market-rate apartments to nabe
Concern for Independent Living

Locals interested in applying for hundreds of below-market-rate housing units coming to Coney Island can learn how to navigate the process at public meeting on Jan. 10.

Part of the 6 pm session at the Coney Island Library will focus on how to apply for the dozens of so-called affordable units inside the in-progress Surf Vets Place development on W. 21st Street near Surf Avenue, which the city is accepting requests for through March 4.

Reps from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, which manages the city’s lottery system that doles out affordable units, will show attendees eligible for those 52 units how to apply for them, according to meeting organizers.

And reps from the Veterans and Homeless Services departments will also be on hand to help any formerly homeless vets who attend learn how to apply for the building’s 82 apartments earmarked for that group, eligible members of which could begin requesting those below-market-rate units back in November through the city’s supportive-housing lottery managed by the Human Resources Administration.

Organizers of the meeting co-sponsored by housing-advocacy group NHS Brooklyn, Community Board 13, Councilman Mark Treyger (D–Coney Island), and Assemblywoman Mathylde Frontus (D–Coney Island), will also discuss how locals can apply to other forthcoming affordable developments in the neighborhood, including a massive complex set to rise on Surf Avenue between West 16th and 20th streets that will bring nearly 1,000 below-market-rate units to the area after workers complete its three phases of construction.

Learn how to apply for the affordable units coming to Coney Island at Coney Island Library (1901 Mermaid Ave. at West 19th Street). Jan. 10 at 6 pm.

Reach reporter Julianne McShane at (718) 260–2523 or by e-mail at jmcshane@schnepsmedia.com. Follow her on Twitter @juliannemcshane.