
Are we still racist?

Are we still racist?
The Brooklyn Paper / Ricky Barlin

Former Communist and Black Panther Angela Davis says that racism is “no less overt” than it was in the 1950s, when it was very overt. We hit the streets to find out if anyone agrees with Davis.

It’s a little better. Blacks can get better jobs.
Cecil Bearson, 68
The Brooklyn Paper / Ricky Barlin

I don’t think it’s the same. It’s getting better.
Frank Oliver, 48
The Brooklyn Paper / Ricky Barlin

I support [Davis] to an extent. It’s not just in Brooklyn, it’s worldwide.
Lloyd Reid, 53
The Brooklyn Paper / Ricky Barlin

I wouldn’t say that it’s prevalent. A lot of black people do ignorant, stupid s—, just like any other race. It’s bad on our part because … they still continue to feed into racism.
Kirk Burgess, 26
The Brooklyn Paper / Ricky Barlin

I don’t think it’s as bad as it was back in the day. I still see racism in Georgia.
Ajah Kitt, 18, from Atlanta
The Brooklyn Paper / Ricky Barlin