
Baddie attacks and robs 62-year-old woman

60th Precinct

Coney Island—Brighton Beach—Seagate

Violent robbery

A bad guy attacked and robbed a 62-year-old woman at W. Seventh Street on March 3.

The pillager followed the victim from a deli around 9:30 am before physically attacking her and stealing a cellphone and $80 near Boynton Place, according to cops.

The victim was taken to Coney Island Hospital for treatment, cops said.

Ex-lovers’ quarrel

A crook broke into his ex-girlfriend’s Avenue V apartment and stole cash and a cellphone on March 4.

The woman told police her ex used a plastic card to open a chain lock on the door to her apartment between Stillwell Avenue and W. 13th Street before chasing her to her bedroom and pushing her to the ground. The baddie made off at 1 am with the phone and approximately $800 before fleeing the apartment, according to cops.


Police arrested two people who they say assaulted a man and stole his cellphone on Brighton Sixth Street on March 10.

The victim told police he was near Brighton Beach Avenue around 3 am when one of the muggers punched him in the face and grabbed his phone while the other acted as a lookout, according to cops.

Police cuffed the men and confirmed their identity with the victim, cops said.

No petting

A brute punched a man who tried to pet his dog on Mermaid Avenue on March 6.

The victim suffered cuts and bruises from the assault, which took place outside of a liquor store between W. 30th and W. 31st streets shortly after 2 pm, cops said.

— Aidan Graham