
Baddies take man’s wallet and electronics

88th Precinct

Fort Greene–Clinton Hill

Snatched from behind

A pair of crooks stole a guy’s wallet and electronics on Vanderbilt Avenue on Nov. 7, police said.

The victim told cops he was near Myrtle Avenue at about midnight when he noticed one of the baddies following him, and another one grabbed him from behind.

The nogoodniks demanded the victim hand over his wallet and phone, and one of them snatched his backpack — with his earbuds, phone, and wallet inside, according to authorities. Both of the jerks fled down Vanderbilt Avenue, cops said.

Cashed out

A lout broke into a Putnam Avenue restaurant on Nov. 10 and stole a wad of cash, according to authorities.

Video caught the punk break through the front door to get into the eatery near Fulton Street a little before 7 am and run out with $180 from the cash register, police said.

Hot wheels

Cops cuffed a guy for riding off with a stolen bike on Myrtle Avenue on Nov. 10, police said.

Police stopped the suspect for riding the two-wheeler on the sidewalk near Saint Edwards Street a little after midnight, when he confessed to stealing the pricey Citi Bike, according to authorities.

Take from the trunk

Some malefactor broke into the trunk of a woman’s car parked on Atlantic Avenue on Nov. 10 and stole her bag, police said.

The victim told cops she had parked her four-wheeler at a gas station near Grand Street at about 1 am and when she returned to it about three hours later, some knave had smashed her back window and trunk and taken out her expensive Louis Vuitton handbag with two credit cards inside it, according to authorities.

Blind rage

Police cuffed a guy for stealing a wallet and keys from a blind victim on Fleet Walk on Nov. 8, police said.

The 42-year-old victim, who says he is legally blind, told cops the suspect snatched his keys and wallet with his Ohio identification card and medical card inside it from him as he lay in bed inside his apartment near Navy Street at about 8 pm.

The victim said he didn’t see the suspect, but recognized his voice when he asked him for money, according to authorities.

— Julianne Cuba