
Bird God returns! Avian-themed Vandal defaces Grand Army Plaza a second time.

Grand Army Plaza arch vandalized
An alleged vandal defaced the Soldiers and Sailors Arch at Grand Army Plaza for the second time.
Photo by Paul Martinka

He’s a real loon!

The alleged vandal who tagged the Soldiers and Sailors Arch at Grand Army Plaza in December struck again this week, this time scrawling a bizarre screed about birds just a few feet below where his original tag was. 

“If you cripple or kill any more of my birds I will innihilate [sic] you in this next CARTEL WAR,” the graffiti reads. 

Police cuffed a 36-year-old Washington State resident for the vandalism and charged him with making graffiti, criminal mischief, and possession of a graffiti instrument — the same charges he received in December when he commandeered a cherry-picker to defile the 128-year-old monument — before being arrested when he couldn’t figure out how to lower himself. 

In the more recent act of vandalism, the suspect seems to offer a step-by-step guide describing the amount of birds a person can kill before divine punishment kicks in, with zero being the best and one being forgivable, but any additional fowl deeds carrying some spooky consequences. 

“This is when you begin to live the lives,” the cryptic guide reads. 

The alleged vandal spells out the threshold for bird killings before divine punishment kicks in.Photo by Paul Martinka

The vandal told investigators he was acting under the orders of his grandfather, according to the New York Post, who told him to do it in a 1960 letter in order to raise awareness of pigeon killings. 

“People are killing pigeons and chopping their feet up and I had to bring awareness to that,” he said in the original criminal complaint. 

Thursday’s vandalism was first reported by Bklyner

While the vandal claims to be concerned primarily with pigeon killings, he may want to look into the mass slaughter of Canada Geese in Prospect Park in the wake of the “Miracle on the Hudson” that left hundreds of dead geese in its wake.