
Blood sport! Cops, firefighters get into gory fight at charity football game

Blood sport! Cops, firefighters get into gory fight at charity football game
Photo by Angel Zayas

Officer down!

Police and firefighters got into a bloody brawl during what was supposed friendly charity football game at MCU Park on May 22. Firefighters felt burned they were losing 13–29, and a battle-royale erupted in the matchup’s closing minutes, a photographer on the scene said.

“There was yelling back and forth between two players after a play — everybody encircled them, and then I saw helmets flying,” said photographer Angel Zayas. “FDNY was really p—– off that they were 13 against 29 — everybody was taunting back and forth.”

Video depicts a bloodied firefighter hobbling away from the bench-clearer.

Video by Angel Zayas

Officials tried to keep the massive bout classified, the photographer said.

“When the brawl went down, they all came after me and said, ‘You better not put this out there,’ ” Zayas said.

Still, players lined up and shook hands after the clock hit zero — and the heated rivalry is par for the course, an organizer said.

“It’s the biggest game of the year for both teams, and it’s obviously a big rivalry,” said Mike Serna,w ho runs nypdfinestfootball.org. “On the field, they don’t like each other, but off the field, we’re all brothers — they go out together and have after-parties.”

A little rough-housing is to be expected, a police spokesmen said.

“C’mon, they’re playing football — they fight all the time,” the spokesman said.

Fire department officials declined to comment.

It was teams’ 44th meeting — and the first in Brooklyn in more than a decade. Money raised at the showdown went to the police Widows’ & Children’s Fund and the fire department’s Fire Family Transport Foundation.

Here’s the full video:

Video by Angel Zayas

Reach deputy editor Max Jaeger at mjaeger@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–8303. Follow him on Twitter @JustTheMax.