
‘Bloody’ weekend in Chcago should be a wake-up call

Another bloody Memorial Day Weekend in Chicago, and yet there is not a peep from Mr. Al Sharpton, the Black Lives Matter group, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, or our illustrious president who hails from the great state of Illionis. What gives?

At least 69 people were shot — six fatally — between May 27 and May 31, according to a report in the Daily News.

The item added that this year’s “grim toll showed a considerable uptick … from last Memorial Day.”

The neighborhood involved, the Harrison District, is noted for its violence and crime. So where was the preparedness?

The district is known for it’s violence, and last year was a bloody mess, so it’s not like the neighborhood (or the police, or the mayor) were unaware. Keep the kids in. Have a larger police presence. Impose martial law. Do whatever it takes to keep the citizens safe.

As for the slick Mr. Al — where is his outrage?

The youngest victim was 15-year-old Veronica Lopez. She was killed early May 28 while riding in a car with two gang members. Her mother, Diana Mercado, told the a local paper that she was planning flee crime-ridden Chicago for to Florida in the next year.

“Now they took my baby,” she told the News.

Not for nuthin™, but it is high time for the rhetoric to stop. Enough with the talk — starting walking the walk. Then maybe there won’t be another “Bloody Memorial Day weekend” next year.

Follow me on Twitter @JDelBuono.

Joanna DelBuono writes about national issues every Wednesday on BrooklynDaily.com. E-mail her at jdelbuono@cnglocal.com.