
Bloomberg to Gerritsen Beach: Get out now!

Bloomberg to Gerritsen Beach: Get out now!
Photo by Steve Solomonson

Mayor Bloomberg is pleading with residents of hurricane-ravaged Gerritsen Beach to get out of their low-lying homes now before today’s nor’easter brings another dangerous tidal surge.

“Residents in Gerritsen beach should consider going someplace else tonight,” said the mayor, encouraging residents to bed down with friends and family until the nor’easter passes. “This is for your safety.”

Marking a week after Hurricane Sandy blew by, city officials say today’s nor’easter could flood shore front neighborhoods and knock over tees weakened by last week’s storm.

“The predicted wind speeds present an increased risk of more downed trees and tree limbs, as well as windblown debris,” read an NYPD press release.

Con Edison officials said that the nor’easter could exacerbate existing power outages Hurricane Sandy caused.

“We will see some effects to our system due to the storm that’s coming in right now,” said utility spokesman Alfonso Quiroz. “There’s already some compromised equipment due to Sandy, so it’s not good to have these storms coming one after the other.”

FDR High School is the closest city shelter to Gerritsen Beach at 5800 20 Ave. in Borough Park, and is open to the public regardless of their medical status, Bloomberg said.

Members of the Gerritsen Beach Volunteer Fire Department, who lost their fire station in the storm, said residents should follow Bloomberg’s advice — especially those with trees in front of their homes.

“The biggest problem is we have a couple of houses with a lot of far-leaning trees,” said Gerritsen Beach Volunteer Fire Department Lieutenant Michael Castro. “If you live by that, I would not suggest staying by your house.”

Residents heading out of the area should heard to Blue Star Mothers Hall on Seba Avenue where they can find clothing, blankets, food, water, and other supplies needed for the overnight stay. Residents can visit the Blue Star Mothers Hall until 10 pm.

“It’s gonna be a crazy night,” Castro said.

Reach reporter Colin MIxson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4514.