
Bowlers are back

Bowlers are back
Courtesy Kingsborough Community College

Brooklyn is about to be “bowlered” over.

Magicians Trey Lyford and Geoff Sobelle are heading to Kingsborough Community College on April 21 — for one night only — to perform their hit show “All Wear Bowlers” for the first time since 2007 — a gravity-defying display that could actually put the two men in traction.

“We have to try to not to hurt ourselves — it’s a pretty physical,” said Lyford, cocreator of and performer in the show . “It’ll be the same show though, except we’re a bit more bald than last time.”

The show revolves around the antics of two vaudevillian silent movie characters who, through some phenomena of arcane what-have-you, are transported into a strange, alternate dimension where gravity forgets which direction is down and reality can’t make up its mind.

“It’s a magical show. We create surreal moments on stage where the impossible happens, and moments of surprise, where gravity stops behaving the way it should,” said Lyford.

Lyford and Sobelle’s performance is chocked-full of stage magic and moments of wonder, but that doesn’t mean the mum duo doesn’t know how to tickle one’s funnybone.

“Humor is a major part of the story,” said Lyford. “No matter how hard they try, our characters always end up in the mud, so the humor comes out of their constant failure at being unable to free themselves from their current situation.”

The show, which debuted in 2003, enjoyed a 10-week run in Manhattan and has traveled across the globe to England, Germany, Korea, and Italy.

“All Wear Bowlers” at Kingsborough Community College [2001 Oriental Blvd. near Oxford Street in Manhattan Beach, (718) 368-5000] on April 21, 8 pm. Tickets are $25. For info, visit www.kbcc.cuny.edu.

Reach reporter Colin MIxson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4514.