
Brooklyn rep honored for ‘courageous’ run

Brooklyn rep honored for ‘courageous’ run

Bay Ridge

She’s courageous

It’s three cheers for Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R–Bay Ridge), on being awarded a Profile in Courage Award.

The prestigious accolade, presented by the Conservative Party, was bestowed at the 2018 Legislative Reception in Albany to our rep for the fortitude she displayed in standing up to Mayor DeBlasio during her bid to unseat him last year.

“I’m honored and proud that the New York State Conservative Party has chosen to present me with the Profile in Courage Award. I want to thank the party for their constant support throughout my campaign for mayor, as well as throughout my career as a whole,” she said.

Michael Long, chairman of the New York State Conservative Party, in conjunction with the officers and members of the party, recognized Malliotakis for challenging the status quo of city politics by adhering to her conservative values throughout last year’s race for City Hall.

“Assemblywoman Malliotakis fearlessly challenged Mayor DeBlasio and stood up for New Yorkers who have seen their property taxes grow, their subway system crumble and their tax dollars inappropriately spent,” Long said. “She knew she faced an uphill battle in taking on a powerful incumbent but nonetheless fought valiantly for what she and many New Yorkers believed in.”

Malliotakis’s District Office [7408 Fifth Ave. at 74th Street in Bay Ridge; (718) 987–0197].

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