
Brooklynites gather at Borough Hall to watch Cyclones in World Series

Brooklynites gather at Borough Hall to watch Cyclones in World Series
Photo by Jason Speakman

The Beep took the borough out to the ball game!

Baseball enthusiasts piled into Borough Hall on Tuesday to watch Cyclones players knock it out of the park in the first game of the World Series, and fans said Brooklyn’s home base was a thrilling location to catch all the action .

“It definitely was one of the most exciting baseball games I have ever seen,” said Ariel Kohane, who traveled all the way from the distant island of Manhattan for the gathering.

Borough President Adams organized the viewing party in the hopes of inspiring bars, churches, offices, and community centers around the borough to host their own screenings and bring Brooklynites together in support of their team.

“Sports are an incredible unifying force,” said Adams, who quizzed attendees on baseball trivia during ad breaks. “Cheering as one community in one place strengthens the bonds that hold us together as a city, bonds that we often take for granted.”

Kohane agreed, saying it was great to experience Tuesday’s nail-biter — which our boys lost narrowly (no) thanks to players who are not from Brooklyn — alongside a charged-up audience of Clones fanatics.

“I like excited crowds and a lot of cheering,” he said.

Reach reporter Allegra Hobbs at ahobbs@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–8312.
Play ball: Fans cheered on their team.
Photo by Jason Speakman