
Burlesque-Dixieland fusion!

Burlesque-Dixieland fusion!
Courtesy of Rosie 151

Call her Rosie the Rambler!

Sultry burlesque temptress Rosie 151 is taking the stage at the “Dr. Who”-themed Prospect Heights steampunk bar Way Station on Dec. 1, part of a year-long residency as frontwoman of six-piece Depression-era bluegrass outfit, The Red Hook Ramblers.

“The drums, horns, the bass of the tuba and trombone just lends itself to bump and grind,” said Rosie, who will sing, dance and, of course, do the strip-tease. “But the songs are about marijuana and making whoopee — nobody knows who wrote them — and even I blush a little while singing!”

Maybe so, but the buxom Brooklynite is no shrinking violet — she’s been entertaining throughout the burlesque circuit for six years. But singing is a challenge she’s willing to take on full-bore — and scantily clad.

“For some people, burlesque is over-saturated right now, so our performance is more like an all-around good time,” Rosie said. “It’s great jazz music of some bygone era, and it’s me singing, and of course, a little bit of burlesque. There’s not too much of anything, and a little bit of everything.”

Way Station proprietor Andy Heidel thinks an eclectic musical lineup is the key to a successful watering hole.

“I’m booking blues, jazz, soul, bluegrass, Dixieland — stuff I like to see,” Heidel said. “Having a burlesque dancer as the frontwoman, backed up by a Dixieland jazz band? Yeah, that’s a great combo.”

Red Hook Ramblers at the Way Station [683 Washington Ave. between St. Marks Avenue and Prospect Place in Prospect Heights, (917) 279-5412], every first Thursday beginning Dec. 1, 9 pm. Free. For info, visit www.waystationbk.blogspot.com.

Reach Arts Editor Juliet Linderman at jlinderman@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-8309.

Courtesy of Rosie 151