


Cops have arrested another car window smasher in Windsor Terrace, following a spate of break-ins over the last few weeks.

The perp, who was apparently not part of the earlier three-man wrecking crew, broke into a van on 17th Street between 10th and 11th avenues on Oct. 2 just after midnight. The car’s owner was sleeping when he heard the breaking glass outside his window and rushed outside. Cops quickly arrived on the scene, and arrested the perp.

Cops knew they had their man when, during a chase, they watched as he dropped a screwdriver and another heavy-duty multi-purpose tool, “both of which are commonly used for … breaking into cars,” an officer said.

Cash slap

Cops arrested a young man after a lover’s quarrel turned violent and criminal when he stole $30 from a woman and slapper her across the face on Oct. 3, cops said. The incident took place just before 11 pm in the doorway of a Greenwood Avenue apartment building, between Prospect Park Southwest and Sherman Street.

— Sarah Portlock