
Cat burglar climbs fire escape into flat, makes off with clothing and bling

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Climbing thief

A nervy burglar climbed up a fire escape and stole more than $5,000 worth of clothing and jewelry from a woman’s Butler Street apartment on Dec. 8, cops said.

The limber lowlife climbed from the fire escape onto an air conditioner to break into the victim’s building between Smith and Court streets some time after 6:45 am, and once inside took her watches, earrings, coats and shoes, all worth an estimated $5,240, police said.

Bike gone

Some nogoodnik stole a man’s bike on Mill Street on Dec. 8, officials said.

The victim told cops he left his two-wheeler unlocked outside a store near Hicks Street at 9:40 am, and when he returned a few minutes later, it was gone. Security-camera footage shows a punk in a gray coat taking the black mountain bike, police said.

Too much shade

Cops cuffed a guy for alleged marijuana possession and other crimes on the corner of Dwight Street and Wolcott Street on Dec. 8.

Patrolmen pulled the man over at 11:15 am for an excessive tint of his vehicle’s windows and, during their subsequent search, found small amounts of marijuana, THC oil, and a gravity knife, authorities said. Officials charged the guy with criminal possession of a knife and a controlled substance, as well as with unlawful possession of marijuana and an equipment violation for the tinted windows, cops said.

Bar fight

A jerk punched a man in the face during an altercation inside a Columbia Street bar on Dec. 2, police said.

The male brute socked the victim with his closed fist and smacked the guy in the brawl near Sackett Street at 9:20 pm, authorities said. The victim did not go to the hospital, officials said.

— Adam Lucente