
Cause for relief! New bathrooms mean shorter lines for thirsty athletes at Parade Grounds

Cause for relief! New bathrooms mean shorter lines for thirsty athletes at Parade Grounds
Photo by Elizabeth Graham

What a relief!

Brand new bathrooms opened Wednesday at Prospect Park’s Parade Grounds, a sports haven at the southern end of Brooklyn’s backyard.

The centrally located, $667,000 comfort station was installed because all that Gatorade had to go somewhere, park officials said.

“Building a comfort station may not be the most glamorous project, but it is a critical one, especially now that the Parade Ground is so heavily used by thousands of Brooklynites,” said Emily Lloyd, president of the Prospect Park Alliance, which manages the park.

Before the renovation, the 30-square-block park bounded by Coney Island Avenue, Parade Place, Parkside Avenue, and Caton Avenue only contained two places to answer nature’s call. The result was long lines and creative solutions for full-bladdered athletes using the tennis courts and 11 fields, including ones for soccer, basketball, baseball, football, and volleyball.

The new permanent potty sits next to the concession stand just off of Parkside Avenue and comes equipped with three women’s stalls and one stall and two urinals for men. The project was funded by a combination of city and state funds and its opening was marked with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Since 1998, the Prospect Park Alliance has invested more than $20 million to restore and renovate the Parade Ground’s fields and bathrooms, according to park officials.

Reach reporter Natalie Musumeci at nmusumeci@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505. Follow her at twitter.com/souleddout.
Royal flush: Enjoy the view, the brand-new $667,000 comfort station at Prospect Park’s Parade Grounds will never be this shiny again.
Photo by Elizabeth Graham