
60th Precinct: Chain snatcher gets away with 14K gold necklace

60th precinct
The 60th Precinct station house.
Photo by Jessica Parks


Coney Island—Brighton Beach—Seagate

Chain snatcher

A robber got away with a 14K gold chain on Brighton Beach Avenue on Dec. 18.

According to police, the victim was set to exchange the chain for money but before giving her the agreed-upon amount, the thief snatched the chain from the victim after pushing her to the ground. 

The victim says the robber took off in an unknown direction around 3:30 a.m., getting away with a chain vauled at $1,800 for only $104. 

Unprovoked agitator

Some punk attacked an MTA employee unprovoked between Surf Avenue and Stillwell Avenue on Dec. 16. 

The victim told police the aggressor started punching her numerous times as she was leaving the facility in uniform, causing bruising and swelling to her face and body. 

The victim was taken to Coney Island hospital.

Swiped from the sink

A thief stole a wedding rink from Coney Island public school on Nov. 11.

The victim told police she took the rings off to wash her hands. When she returned to the bathroom to grab the jewelry valued at $7,800, some thief had already swiped them at 3 p.m.