
Changing of the guard at the helm of BRIC

Changing of the guard at the helm of BRIC


Saying goodbye

BRIC has let the O know that Leslie Griesbach Schultz will be stepping down as president.

Leslie helmed BRIC since 2005, and aided in its growth from $3.7 million to $15.8 million in annual operating revenues. She led the transformation of BRIC from an umbrella for arts and media programs into a leader and an award-winning facility in Downtown. She helped in expanding programming, education initiatives and community-engagement work.

The search is presently on for her replacement, however Leslie will remain at BRIC until June 2018, when the organization begins a year-long celebration of its 40th anniversary.

“Serving as head of BRIC these past 12 years has been the great privilege and joy of my career,” Leslie said, adding, “I am beyond fortunate to have been in the right place at the right time as we went on this journey together.”

Hilary Ackermann, chairperson of BRIC’S board of directors, said, “Leslie has been a driving force behind the growth of BRIC and its expanding role as a leader in the New York City cultural landscape.”

Adding, “The board is very sad to see her go, and is tremendously grateful for all she has contributed.”

Standing O wishes Leslie good luck in her future endeavors.

BRIC [647 Fulton St. and Ashland Place in Clinton Hill; (718) 855–7882].

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