
City garbage truck sports ‘Trump’ sign

City garbage truck sports ‘Trump’ sign
Photo by John Wasserman

Now this presidential election has really descended into garbage.

A pair of city sanitation workers could be in hot water after they outfitted their trash truck with Donald Trump campaign paraphernalia on Wednesday — a no-no for city vehicles that outraged a couple of liberal locals spotted who spotted the sign in Midwood that morning.

“I was appalled,” said neighborhood resident Christina Das, who serves on the executive board of the Brooklyn Young Democrats Club. “I was drinking my coffee and I had to stop.”

Das and her boyfriend spotted the truck with the Donald Trump sign lodged in its windshield wipers on Ocean Avenue near Foster Avenue. She claims she demanded the garbage men immediately remove the political placard, but they told her to “mind your own business” then drove off.

Department of Sanitation officials are aware of the infraction and are investigating, according to agency spokeswoman Kathy Dawkins. But she claims the truck was politically neutral when it left an agency depot that morning, and it is a common occurance.

“We have had similar instances in years past when political stickers were found on trucks,” Dawkins said. “All were removed.”

But the department isn’t ruling out the possibility that a Trump fan could have slipped the sign onto the truck without the haulers noticing, Dawkins said — despite Das’s alleged exchange with the workers.

“We don’t know how the sign appeared on the truck,” Dawkins said. “As you know the collection trucks are parked on the street and perhaps someone could have placed it on the truck. Also while the Sanitation crew is serving a stop (one crew member is at the back of the truck while his partner picks up the trash), there’s a possibility that someone could place the sign on the truck then.”