
Clinton Hill cop shop is top tier structure: City

88th precinct station house
88th precinct station house.
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Clinton Hill’s police station house could be getting a different kind of protection.

The city is working to designate the 88th Precinct headquarters landmark status, something that would prevent dramatic alterations and require that the building be fastidiously maintained, community groups announced on Monday.

“It’s a eminently worthy building,” said Lisi DeBourbon, a spokeswoman for the city’s Landmarks Preservation Commission. “It was one of the best, most intact, and most architecturally significant [police] buildings we looked at.”

The 1890 structure has seen plenty of history too, DeBourbon said.

“It was constructed when Brooklyn was its own city,” she said.

The commission will hold a public hearing about the building on Dec. 17 and vote on its designation next year, a speedier-than-usual time-line that delights preservationists.

“We’re always glad to consider public buildings because the city might sell them to private developers someday,” said Frampton Tolbert, deputy director of watchdog group the Historic District Council.

Mayor Bloomberg has made a point of selling off space in under-used public buildings, such as the section of the Municipal Building that now houses a Sephora make-up store and a chain candy retailer, Tolbert said.

The red brick station house, located on the corner of Classon and DeKalb avenues, was built in the Romanesque Revival style that was popular in the period, according to Landmarks. It includes a five-story turret with a castle-like cone ceiling.

Reach reporter Jaime Lutz at jlutz@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-8310. Follow her on Twitter @jaime_lutz.