
Cock a doodle…Windsor Terrace?

Cock a doodle…Windsor Terrace?
Al Pereira

The rooster of Windsor Terrace has been saved!

In other words, the sleepless residents of Windsor Place have been saved!

Last week, a rooster mysteriously showed up between Windsor Place and 16th Street just off of Prospect Park West and did what roosters did best, crowed. Quickly, the rooster, nicknamed Light Bulb by some local kids, became the squawk of the town.

“There he was one day — created quite a stir,” said Al Pereira, who lives a couple blocks away.

Yes, it was a bit of rustic flavor in the city — except to people who didn’t like the cock-a-doodle-do treatment at 5 am.

“I love having him, but my neighbors aren’t so enamored of the wake-up calls,” said Michaela Bruzzese.

Naturally, the Park Slope Parents Web site was on the case. People posted. Help was offered.

“We fed it, took care of it for a couple days, we tried to find a place for it,” said Don Alman, whose apartment is nearby.

Through a friend, Alman heard of a farm upstate that would be willing to take the bird.

If someone could only catch it.

Eventually, animal rescuer Sean Casey was called in, and last Thursday, Light Bulb was finally captured and sent on his way to a Catskills farm — but Casey was quick to calm the nerves of Light Bulb’s fans.

“It’s a vegan farm, so he will be a pet, not dinner,” he said.