
Cold comfort! Guided winter walk keeps the doldrums at bay

Cold comfort! Guided winter walk keeps the doldrums at bay
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Shake off those winter blues — and find inspiration for the New Year — on a guided, open-air jaunt through the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

On Sunday, Jan. 8, join psychotherapist Lynne Spevack as she leads sluggish souls past colorful berry bushes, rustling grasses, and birds feasting on crabapples for a heavy dose of contemplation.

The hour-long tour is part of Spevack’s winter series that brings people out into the cold to keep the doldrums at bay.

“Many people are feeling very slow — they hibernate and overeat this time of year,” said Spevack, a 20-year volunteer at the Prospect Heights garden. “Going for a walk outdoors — even if it’s raining or overcast — will lift your mood and energy level.”

Spevack will give tips on getting enough sleep, exercise, vitamins and natural daylight, while looking for rabbit tracks among the frosty evergreens. You could call it self-help for the price of a museum admission.

Every year, the Botanic Garden’s winter walks series starts with a tour of fall colors in November, and ends in March with guests tiptoeing through spring flowers.

“This is really good for anybody — and it’s kid-friendly!” Spevack said. “Just a walk around the garden is enough to perk people up.”

Winter walk at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden [1000 Washington Ave. at Montgomery Street in Prospect Heights, (718) 623-7200], Jan. 8, 1 pm. Free with museum admission, which is $10 for adults. For info, visit www.bbg.org.

Reach Kate Briquelet at kbriquelet@cnglocal.com or by calling her at (718) 260-2511.

Join tour guide Lynne Spevack and explore the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, in all its winter splendor, on Jan. 8.
Photo by Stefano Giovannini