
Con Ed analyst wins award for tech advances

Con Ed analyst wins award for tech advances
Courtesy Con-Ed



High wattage to Andrew Reid, senior planning analyst in Distributed Resource Integration at Con Edison. Former Flatbush resident Andrew, who grew up here in our little burg, but now lives in Harlem, won the prestigious industry award, the Technology Transfer Award from the Electric Power Research Institute for findings on the planning, designing and operation of microgrids.

Microgrids are local energy networks that are able to separate from the larger electrical grid during extreme weather events or emergencies, providing power to individual customers and crucial public services such as hospitals, first responders, and water treatment facilities.

Andrew, who has been with Con Edison since April 2014, was one of five Con Edison employees honored by Research Institute.

“Rapid advances in technology give us new ways to serve customers, but also challenge us to understand complex, new concepts,” said Tim Cawley, president of Con Edison. “The work our researchers have done with Electric Power Research Institute will help Con Edison and other energy companies keep their service safe and reliable as customer needs and technology continue to evolve.”

Energy companies like Con Edison can use the information to help plan how they deploy and manage solar energy on their electric-delivery systems in ways that keep service reliable for all customers.

Con Edison is a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc. and delivers electricity, natural gas and steam to 3.4 million customers in New York City and Westchester County, N.Y.

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