
Cops cuff crook after running red light in stolen car

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Grand theft auto

Cop arrested two men for allegedly stealing a car from the corner of Bond and Third streets on June 13.

Police claim that the defendants rode off in the 1997 Lexus at about 7:35 p.m. Cops busted the duo the next day for running a red light, and the men have been charged with grand larceny and criminal possession, and were fined for the traffic violation, police report.

Dirty deeds

A filthy thief swiped $397 worth of soap from a pharmacy on Court Street on June 17.

Police report that the slippery fiend made off with several bottles of Dove soap from the pharmacy on the corner of Pacific Street. The items have not been recovered, police say.

Clean getaway

Another crook tried to steal $78 worth of soap from a Smith Street Pharmacy on June 17.

Cops say that the sudsy dud grabbed two Dove bars of soap, four bottles of Dove body wash, and a bottle of Nivea oil from the store between Warren and Baltic streets before taking off. A store employee chased the perp down the street and recovered the stolen soaps, authorities report.

Wine and crime

A thief stole an expensive iPad from a Hoyt Street classroom on March 19.

The thief made off with the device from the school between Union and President streets at some point between 10:30 am and 4:45 pm, according to police, who added that the crook snagged the portable computer from a backpack.

— Rose Adams