
Cops hunt man who stole cash and booze from former bosses at Columbia Street eatery

Cops hunt man who stole cash and booze from former bosses at Columbia Street eatery

Cops are on the hunt for an ex-employee of a Columbia Street Italian restaurant who broke into the eatery and looted a sum of cash and a bottle of tequila earlier this month.

Johnny Valentin, 50, allegedly forced his way into Caselnova between Union and Sackett streets by removing a windowpane to unlock the front door at about 11:05 am on July 9, police said on Sunday when they released a surveillance video of the tequila heist.

The footage shows a skull cap-wearing Valentin remove the bottle of liquor from of the shelf behind the bar. Police said that the crook also made off with an undisclosed amount of money. The cash swipe was not caught on tape.

Cops described Valentin as weighing 180 pounds and standing at 5-foot-9.

Anyone with information regarding this burglary should call at (800) 577–8477. All calls will be kept confidential.

Reach reporter Natalie Musumeci at nmusumeci@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505. Follow her at twitter.com/souleddout.