
Cops: W’Burg muggers target women entering buildings

A string of violent robberies against women in Williamsburg this month has left residents alarmed and police searching for suspects.

Cops are trying to track down the perps responsible for several muggings in the 90th Precinct in which thugs followed women into their buildings, assaulted them, and stole their property over the past three weeks.

In the most recent incident, a mugger trailed a woman into her Manhattan Avenue building on April 12, pushed her, and tried to grab her purse.

When the victim screamed, the thug pulled out a blunt object — a weapon the victim believes was a gun — and bashed her on the head with it several times.

The thief then snatched her bag and fled on a BMX bike at around 9:45 pm.

In a similar incident on April 6, a thief followed a woman into her S. Third Street apartment building at 7:15 am.

Once inside, the crook cornered the woman in an elevator and threatened her with a silver gun before swiping her iPhone.

And on April 1, a fiend approached a woman at the entrance of her Montrose Avenue building at 4:07 am and hit her in the back of her head.

After delivering the blow, the perp stole the victim’s bag.

Police do not believe the crimes are related, but visited several buildings in East Williamsburg last week to warn tenants about the crime pattern and urge them to be watchful entering their homes at night.