
Cops: We’ve nabbed Kings Highway iPhone thief

Cops: We’ve nabbed Kings Highway iPhone thief
Courtesy NYPD

Police say they have arrested a man accused of shaking down a Q-train commuter for his iPhone.

Investigators said 21-year-old Christopher Jones surrendered to authorities on July 20 after cops began distributing surveillance images of him taken shortly after the July 9 confrontation.

The victim told police that his Manhattan-bound Q was nearing the Kings Highway station at 7:40 pm when Jones, who was allegedly sitting on the bench across from him, ordered him to fork over his smart phone.

Police said Jones and a friend, who was not involved in the alleged robbery, exited the train at Kings Highway with the phone — only to be snapped up by the station’s surveillance camera.

Police charged Jones with robbery. Attempts to reach Jones’s attorney over the weekend were unsuccessful.

Reach reporter Colin MIxson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4514.