
Crook takes woman’s dog from her pad

94th Precinct


Punk steals pup

Some heartless criminal stole a woman’s dog from her Sutton Street apartment on March 4.

The lady noticed at around 7 am that someone had barged into her apartment near Driggs Avenue and made off with her Yorkie mix and the pup’s leash, police said.

The scoundrel both entered and fled through the front door, leading the woman to believe he is either her daughter’s ex-boyfriend or their landlord, both of whom have keys to the place, cops said.

Demands met

A rogue robbed a guy outside a Union Avenue nightclub in the early morning hours of March 6.

The guy was hanging out near the bar between Conselyea Street and Metropolitan Avenue around 3 am when the baddie approached and demanded the victim fork over his money, according to a police report.

The victim obeyed and handed over his money, cellphone, debit card, and jacket to the perp, who fled on foot in an unknown direction, police said.

No fare

A troublemaking trio snatched a wad of cash from a taxi driver at N. Fifth Street and Kent Avenue and ran off without paying their fare on the night of Feb. 29.

The three crooks racked up a fare of $6.80, but as the driver dropped them off at their destination at 8:45 pm they grabbed $100 from the guy’s hand and scrammed, police said.

— Allegra Hobbs