
Crowdsourcing storm preparedness

Civic storm plans: Locals help state prepare for next Sandy
Photo by Elizabeth Graham

The effects of Sandy still echo through Southern Brooklyn and the communities on the front line are being asked for ideas on how to prepare for the next superstorm.

Residents and business owners in Brighton Beach, Coney Island, Manhattan Beach and Sea Gate are encouraged to attend the third public engagement meeting of the state’s New York Rising Community Reconstruction Program on Wednesday, February 19th.

The purpose of the meeting is to get suggestions from locals about potential projects to improve their area’s resiliency in the face of future extreme weather events.

The Brighton Beach, Coney Island, Manhattan Beach and Sea Gate area is eligible for up to $19.3 million in funding through the New York Rising Community Program.

“The committee has been working for months coming up with ideas for what can be done with the money that they are receiving, such as flood gates and enlarging sewers,” said chairwomen Theresa Scavo of Community Board 15 and a member of the program’s local planning committee.

The New York Rising Community Program is one of several storm recovery initiatives established by Gov. Cuomo to provide supplementary rebuilding assistance to communities severely damaged by superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Irene.

“At this meeting the public have the opportunity to have priority for what they feel need to be done for future storms,” said Scavo. “I hope they come out and voice their opinions.”

New York Rising Community Reconstruction Planning Committee Meeting (MCU Park, 1904 Surf Avenue in Coney Island) Feb. 19, 7 pm–9 pm.