
Dairy scary! Raccoons drink up at Windsor Terrace school, neighbors say

Dairy scary! Raccoons drink up at Windsor Terrace school, neighbors say
Courtesy of Pat Maliha

Careless custodians at a Windsor Terrace school have turned the surrounding block into a cafeteria for hungry raccoons — and rotten milk is always on the menu, according to angry neighbors.

Residents say the clean-up crew at PS 154 regularly tosses dozens of trash bags filled containing half-empty cartons of milk on the sidewalk in front of the school, attracting families of chubby critters that tear into the plastic bags and spread rotting trash on Windsor Place near 11th Avenue.

“It’s disgusting — it’s like the school serves them dinner every night,” said neighbor Pat Maliha.

She said school officials are ignoring the problem by failing to drain milk cartons before chucking them in the garbage and not placing the trash in dumpsters.

And a soon-to-open green market slated to open in the schoolyard could make the leave fat furballs even more aggressive — and even better fed, neighbors fear.

The raccoons are already testy enough, according to Maliha, who claims a pushy fella’ banged so hard on a neighbor’s window that one Windsor Terrace resident had to call pest control. A huge one spooked another neighbor, who then took a photo of the masked bandit.

Maliha snapped some evidence herself. Her photos show roughly 20 large white trash bags on the street in front of the school — many dotted with bite marks.

District 15 superintendent Anita Scop said the district is working with the school to remedy the trash trouble.

“The school is dealing with the problem,” she said.

But Maliha said school officials have given her that answer for months — without taking action.

“They’re being bad neighbors,” she said.

Reach reporter Natalie O'Neill at noneill@cnglocal.com or by calling her at (718) 260-4505.

Courtesy of Pat Maliha