
Dems going to Philly

It’s Brooklyn vs. Philadelphia in smackdown for political bash
Associated Press

Well, at least they didn’t pick Columbus.

Democrats have gone against all common sense and chosen Philadelphia, referred to by some mainstream publications, wrongly, as the sixth borough, to host their 2016 convention. Borough President Adams said the Dems’ decision was bass-ackwards, using more polite language.

“Instead of a cutting-edge choice that would be a nod to the Democratic Party’s future, the pick was made for a safe site that hearkens more to its past,” he said in a statement.

The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D–Florida), said Philly’s status as the cradle of the American Revolution is symbolically important, and called it a “safe” choice.

“In addition to their commitment to a seamless and safe convention, Philadelphia’s deep-rooted place in American history provides a perfect setting for this special gathering,” Schultz said in a statement.

The campaign to bring the convention to Brooklyn kicked into gear last year and was a priority of Mayor DeBlasio. The mayor’s office assembled a 119-member host committee to pitch the borough and raise the $100 million the convention is expected to cost. That group had already collected $6.5 million and secured promises for $13.5 million more.

This paper followed the chase closely, and provided analysis that definitively showed Brooklyn would have been the best choice out of the 14 nominees. For our unimpeachable arguments against the other two of three finalists, Philly, and Columbus, Ohio, see here and here.

Adams said the borough’s effort was a valiant one.

“You have to dream big to be big, and no one dreams bigger than Brooklyn,” he said.

We say, upon further reflection, we didn’t need that headache anyway.

Reach reporter Matthew Perlman at (718) 260–8310. E-mail him at mperl‌man@c‌ngloc‌al.com. Follow him on Twitter @matthewjperlman.