
Do-gooders pick up trash for Earth Day on Coney Island

Do-gooders pick up trash for Earth Day on Coney Island
Photo by Caroline Ourso

They collected trash, and then they got trashed!

More than 30 Earth-lovers trekked to Coney Island on Earth Day, April 22, to pay tribute to the planet we call home by cleaning up trash along the Coney Island shoreline at an event sponsored by the Coney Island Brewery. The do-gooders collected 400 pounds of garbage, and the Surf Avenue drinking hole’s front-of-house manager said the post-pick-up afterparty may have had something to do with the day’s success.

“It’s easy to incentivize people to help us clean up the beach with free beer or gifts or prizes at the end,” said Kat Telesca.

The brewery gave the trash-pickers a dollar off pints of beer after they did their parts, and gave a gift bag with a bottle opener and growler — or beer jug — to the participant who picked up the most trash.

One attendee who made the trip all the way form the distant isle of Manhattan said he was happy to spend the day beautifying even a small part of the planet.

“I just wanted to do something for Earth Day,” said Philip Mangan.

Reach reporter Julianne McShane at (718) 260–2523 or by e-mail at jmcshane@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @juliannemcshane.
Trash haulers: Sandra Gavelyte and Diego Arguello picked up garbage.
Photo by Caroline Ourso