
Donations pour in for heroic Park Slope nanny who saved one-year-old from crash

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The GoFundMe page for Arcellie Muschamp, a nanny in Park Slope, was hit by a car when she pushed the one-year-old boy she was with out of the way.

The Park Slope community has rallied together in support of a local nanny who is in critical condition after being hit by the driver of a pick-up truck in the neighborhood.

According to eyewitness reports, Arcellie “Cellie” Muschamp pushed the one-year-old she watches out of the way of a moving car when crossing Union Street on Fifth Avenue on Dec 20th — leaving the child unharmed but putting her in critical condition at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital in Park Slope. 

Police responded to the scene at around 10:40 am to find Muschamp unconscious and the child uninjured when a 68-year-old man driving a 2011 Dodge Ram took a left onto Union Street and hit the pair in the crosswalk. 

The eyewitness at the scene said the vehicle hit them when he was turning onto Union Street but didn’t stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk.

The family that Muschamp nannies for launched an online fundraiser for her medical care on Dec. 21, which raised $25,000 in five hours and now has nearly $60,000 as of Dec. 23, and the family thanked Muschamp for heroically saving their son. 

“Our son Rowan was amazingly unscathed in the incident and based on eyewitness accounts Celi helped save him from almost-certain serious injury or death by pushing his stroller out of harm’s way as the vehicle approached,” wrote the Mullen family on GofundMe. “The doctors have called it a miracle and Celi is truly our hero.” 

Not only have donations poured in for Muschamp, but also tons of well wishes and kind words detailing the kind of person she is, and commenting on her heroism in protecting the child. 

“Celi was our nanny in Jersey City and we adore her. Nanny’s like her are priceless and this is just one example. Sending all our love and prayers for a speedy recovery,” one donator wrote. 

Muschamp remains in a medically induced coma as she recovers from head trauma, according to a post from her family. An eyewitness said on the day of the crash, Muschamp was knocked out from the crash but woke up by the time the ambulance came and was suffering from severe bleeding to her head. 

“Celie is resting peacefully still in a medically induced coma as her brain is recovering from the trauma. We will update as new information comes,” the family wrote in an update on Gofundme. “We would like to thank everyone as the outpouring of Love for our sister continues. Thank you so much for your support!”