
Dropping Outs: Online sitcom launches new season in Gowanus

Dropping Outs: Online sitcom launches new season in Gowanus
Daniel Seung Lee

It is time to get in on “The Outs!”

The hilarious online sitcom “The Outs” — about a gay couple who have broken up but remain in each other’s lives — will hold a release party for its much-anticipated second season at Littlefield in Gowanus on March 30. The show is filmed almost entirely in Brooklyn, and its creators says that shooting on the borough’s streets gives the show an original, exciting atmosphere.

“Shooting in Brooklyn is great — it’s such a vibrant place, and there’s so much going on,” said Adam Goldman, who plays main character Mitchell. “Wherever you’re shooting, it always has a unique personality.”

However, sometimes the streets can be a little too active, said co-creator Sasha Winters, who also plays Mitchell’s best friend Oona. The filmmakers have sometimes had to shoo ardent fans away from the camera, she said.

“You never really know what it’s going to be like,” said Winters. “We’ve had people walk by and want to be in the scene.”

The two creators met as students at Bard College, and they now live together in Clinton Hill. Most of the episodes were filmed in nearby neighborhoods, and keen-eyed viewers can see Park Slope, Gowanus, and Crown Heights locations on the background. One of their favorite spots to film was at the Prospect Heights institution Tom’s Restaurant, Goldman said.

The show’s first season, all of which can be viewed for free online, debuted in March of 2012. After a long hiatus, the creators are excited to show off the new season to fans at the release party, they said.

Cumming soon: Scottish actor Alan Cumming appears in a few episodes of the new season of “The Outs.”
Associated Press / Evan Agostini

“It’s really exciting to finally be able to say this is what we’ve been hammering away at,” Goldman said. “Everybody will be having drinks and celebrating the show coming back after three years. We always throw a good party.”

Audience members at the opening should keep their eyes open for one of the show’s biggest fans, actor Alan Cumming. The Scottish performer, known for his many Broadway appearances and his role on television’s “The Good Wife,” was an early supporter of the show, and played himself in the show’s “Chanukah Special” episode. He will also appear in the new season.

The cast was a little intimidated at first to have Cumming on set, but he was great to work with, said Winters.

“He’s so experienced and he’s always so nice to all of us,” she said. “He just genuinely enjoys working.”

“The Outs” release party at Littlefield (622 Degraw St. between Third and Fourth avenues in Gowanus, www.littlefieldnyc.com]. March 30 at 8 pm. Free.

Reach reporter Julianne Cuba at (718) 260–4577 or by e-mail at jcuba@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @julcuba.
Street seen: Adam Goldman and Sasha Winters, creators and stars of the online comedy series “The Outs,” will debut the show’s second season on March 30 at Littlefield in Gowanus.
Daniel Seung Lee