
Dumbo BID commemorates women-owned businesses for Women’s History Month

Superfine Woman Owned door bomb
The Dumbo Improvement District gifted custom door decorations to 30 women-owned businesses in the neighborhood. Here, Dumbo restaurant Superfine’s owner poses with her door decoration.
Dumbo Improvement District

Dumbo’s biggest business booster helped amplify 30 women-owned shops in honor of Women’s History Month, saying their contributions to the creative nabe has been an unrivaled addition to Brooklyn’s front yard.

“These women are creative, hard-working and passionate community members,” said Alexandria Sica, the president of the Dumbo Improvement District. “We wanted to show our appreciation and call attention to the powerful impact they are having in our community.” 

The neighborhood’s BID ran a survey that found 62 percent of small businesses in the Brooklyn neighborhood are owned by women, while a whopping 95 percent of the area’s cultural institutions and art galleries are also operated by women.

Sica said the numbers were not shocking, crediting the neighborhood’s growth as an artistic and cultural center to women throughout history. 

“Women have shaped Dumbo from the beginning— from Emily Roebling’s bridge to Jane Walentas’ carousel. I’m not surprised at all by these numbers,” she said. 

The 30 door decorations were created by Donna-Maree Wilding, owner of Dumbo’s Creatively Wild, and paid for by the Dumbo Business Improvement District. 

To further celebrate Women’s History Month, the Dumbo BID is encouraging Brooklynites to patronize one of their many women-owned businesses, all of whom have fought to keep their doors open throughout the pandemic that has forced the closure of hundreds of businesses across the city. 

“The women on this list have been hustling all year to stay afloat and some have even opened new business during the pandemic,” Sica said. 

With bakeries, bike shops, maker classes, book stores, and so much more, patrons shouldn’t have too much trouble finding a women-operated business to suit their needs on their next shopping trip.